How about a roadmap to your dream business with the potential to boost your income and build your dream business?

At last! The Next Generations Goal Setting for Women Solopreneurs!

Ever find yourself at your desk on a Monday morning, coffee in hand, reflecting on how much you’ve achieved with your business so far?

Yet you’re consumed with an internal conflict between the transformational work you do with your clients and the practical concerns of financial stability and business growth.

Despite your days being packed, you catch yourself wondering whether there were tasks that weren’t really necessary. How much time is consumed by ‘busy work’ vs no time towards boosting your income.

But how do you change a habit when you’re not sure what and how to change? Especially as time is moving faster and is getting away from you and your stress is starting to interrupt your love for what you do.

The first step is to be ready for change …

Running a business as a woo-woo loving solopreneur
brings its own set of hiccups.

Facing Overwhelm: Starting your week feeling scattered, lacking excitement, and without a clear plan.

Drowning in Income Uncertainty: Finding it difficult to identify income opportunities that truly align with your values, overwhelmed by the multitude of tasks, and not seeing clear progress towards your financial goals.

Local Limitations: Dreaming of reaching a broader audience feels just like that—a dream.

Losing Time: Ending your days wondering where the time has gone, feeling out of control and unable to harness your time effectively to manage daily tasks.

Overlooking Growth Lessons: Missing out on the growth opportunities challenges present, failing to celebrate your progress, and not recognizing the person you are evolving into.

Traditional goal setting too often feels overwhelming and restrictive - especially for women solopreneurs in non-traditional businesses.

But the good news is … goal setting is evolving  ...

It’s Time to Wake Up Your Mondays with the Mini Goal Planner!

Whether you're diving into goal planning for the first time or giving it another go, this Mini Goal Planner offers a focused yet flexible approach.

plan your weeks with strategic, bite-sized tasks;

regularly review and tweak as needed to stay on course;

use affirmations to maintain a positive mindset and reinforce your commitment to your objectives; and, of course …

celebrate your progress with milestones.

Yet, the benefits don't stop there – this planner is designed to bridge the gap between dreams and actionable steps. It supports you with:

Ready To Meet This Mid-Life Adventurer?

Hello! paulette here — a lover of all things café, with a passion for goal-setting and accountability, navigating the exciting journey of mid-life with multiple passions.

Starting out as a solopreneur was tough— lonely and overwhelming. That eventually pushed me to start the Entrepreneurial Women’s Café (EWC), gathering a community of over 800 women. While hosting weekly Wednesday mornings, discussions quite often turned to goal setting. 😊 Many felt that goal setting didn’t work. However, I didn’t agree.

It turns out I was right – goal setting when mixed with accountability and community cheering squad, really is the magic formula. And … guess what?

It’s never too late to start turning those wishlists in the reality.

#ThisIsMYYear #FallingInLoveWithMyBizAllOver

So, What’s Actually Inside Your Planner ....

  • Meditation to ground you and awaken your vision of how you want your business to evolve this year.

  • 19 Key Goal Questions: A roadmap to a 12-month goal management system with focused questions about lessons learned last year, objectives for this year, professional development planning, regular progress reviews, reflections as the year unfolds, and thoughts planning for next year.

  • Step-by-Step, we'll guide you through the next phases of your goal management process.

  • Ever wondered what a milestone plays in projects? We got you covered! We’ve the ‘what’ and ‘why’ but we’ve also included a sample milestone table so you can easily copy it and customize it for your projects, making it a versatile tool for any future projects.

  • You'll also find affirmations designed to support you through each step of the goal-setting process, helping you move past blocks, tackle challenges, and rejoice in your accomplishments.

You have to take the action steps. If you don’t actually do anything with the Mini Goal Planner nothing will change.

Get instant access now for only $9 CAD

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